Friday, July 1, 2011


Have you ever wondered why Americans find it inappropriate to stare? I mean could analyze so much more if it was okay to just stare at a person.  In Honduras, they don't find this to be a problem, PARTICULARLY if you're a gringo.  It's kinda funny how much attention you get. Envision a car driving by with an entire family. Literally every person in the car is staring right at you, right into your eyes, without the slightest hesitation.  They might even be doing so hanging out the windows. They also might start making kissy noises if you're a gringo.  They might say, "I love you forever, baby." They might say, "Bye-bye!" My particular favorite has been, "hola muneca (insert squiggly line over the n)!" A muneca is a doll, by the way.  I've never felt so popular in my life!

Really, though, it's funny. And it isn't threatening, so don't get worried. The kissy noises aren't exactly appropriate, but the staring really is just like "oh look, gringos, let me analyze them."

I haven't ventured out alone yet, but if/when I do...and if/when I do so wearing an outfit that doesn't scream gringo (i.e. running shorts and tank tops), I wonder if I'll get as much attention...just because I've got dark hair, not super pale skin, and dark eyes.  Maybe it's believable that I'm not a gringo?  We'll see...

On another note, it's hot as hell.  Right now, I'm sitting directly next to a fan, so I'm doing okay, but if you go an hour without sweating, it's a good day.  Cold shower every day=heaven.  I do always think of Charlotte in the Sex in the City movie whenever I do shower.  There's a scene when she goes to Mexico and is SUPER paranoid about the water.  Just as she's enjoying the shower, she opens her mouth and drinks a bit.  She proceeds to have serious(ly hilarious) stomach problems.  It also is kinda sad, though, when you shower and watch your tan go down the drain....i.e. all of the dust that has piled up on your skin. :)

But seriously, these aren't major complaints. It's great here!  I mean, it's hot, but my body's getting used to it! And why do we always need to look so clean in the states anyways?  Who're we trying to impress?

We started doing some major planning for camp today. I'm working with Megan Fernandez with one of the first and second grade groups. Supposedly, this age is the best if you want to improve your listening ability with Spanish, because they'll be speaking spanglish.  Our camp theme is Camp Adventure, and this next week will be space! Good thing I took astronomy and learned so much about the planets!

We're going into San Pedro Sula tomorrow to buy some supplies and check things out.  There's a water park there (not super fancy, but I love water parks!!), that no lie, I really want to check out.  There's also a big carnival in San P that apparently has a rodeo to end things this weekend.

I'm about to head out to play my first game of Honduran futbol with some other counselors and some Hondurans!

Sorry for the long post. Hope it was entertaining. :)

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