Any older siblings out there? Remember that feeling of utter rejection when your younger sibling was born and no one cared about you anymore? Well, let's be real; I'm that cute little younger sibling, and I'm sure Jay had a terrible time of being rejected for my preciousness as a wee child. But I've got a problem now! My host sister (who lives en casa con her boyfriend from Scotland) just had a baby. And when I say just, I mean just. She brought that baby home from the hospital on Sunday. Baby Esperanza! She's so precious! I'm not sure of cultural norms with babies, so when I sit next to them, I always wonder, "could I poke that baby's belly and talk about how cute it is, or would that be crossing a line that might not exist in the US of A?" So I sit there awkwardly and say things like "Que preciosa!"
In any case, the baby really is adorable! But what's gotten less adorable is dinner time. The whole fam is enamored by Esperanza (and who can blame them?)...that well...the older children (who also happen to be 20 year old Americans) have been rejected a bit. Lots of sandwiches...which, well, can be strange in Spain. Example: Last night's dinner: white bread, hot dogs cut in half, mayonnaise, lettuce, white bread, cheese, butter, white bread. I wasn't quite feeling it. Another sandwich tonight, but it was much better. Still not fantastic. We're supposed to tell our fam's when we don't like something, but my southern upbringing is making that difficult. Every day, when she asks, "Os gusta?!" how can I really say no?! Well, i tried it out tonight. It was difficult, but I said, well, I don't really like sausages alot.... (hoping that saying that about the sausage in my bocadillo tonight would also encompass the "sausages" aka hotdogs from last night).
But I don't blame them, really! I mean, they have tons of family coming over all the time (hide yourself in your room so as not to interrupt family time? what's appropriate?) to see this precious new baby, and they don't wanna make me a good dinner! I just like good dinner....
Haha but all is well!! It really doesn't matter, because I do love the family, the baby, la vida sevillana! In fact, I've been trying to find more ways to immerse myself in la lengua espanola. I just googled popular Spanish songs to add to my "canciones espanolas" playlist on itunes! Most of the songs I found were in English, but I added a few, including some Shakira excellence. I'm also reading the first Harry Potter in Spanish. Harry's about to try on the Sorting Hat! Ah! Don't pick Slytherin!
Writing this blog doesn't exactly help my Spanish immersion, but lucky for all of my faithful readers, I will continue to update you on my life every now and then! :)
Last weekend, I went to Italica, a city about 30 min from Sevilla with a whole bunch of Roman ruins! It was cool, but not superguay. Guay means cool. Add super in front of it, and you have superguay! Then on Sunday, we went on a hike aka senderismo. It ended up not being a hike through any mountains but more of a 18 km walk on a pathway next to the mountains. At the end, we swam in this beautiful litter waterfall that was also FREEZING, like knock the breath out of you cold. On the bus back from rando town to Sevilla, well, we were stranded when the bus broke down. Got on another one, and eventually made it home.
This weekend, well, I don't quite yet know what's in store! I do know I'll be going to a futbol game! There are 2 Sevilla teams: Betis y Sevilla. Neither is something to write home about (although I guess you could say I'm writing home about both right now...), but Sevilla is slightly better. I don't yet have allegiance to one or the other, but we're watching Sevilla play on Saturday!
We're almost done with week 2 of orientation classes! I also plan on taking my first ballet class (in Spanish? with French words? Crazy) tomorrow. I'm ready to get my regular schedule going with University courses! We still have one more week of orientation classes, and then on to the cool classes!
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