I made it to Argentina! But first, a bit about leaving Honduras...
Thursday was Megan's last day of camp, meaning that I had all of the second graders by myself for the day....a bit crazy. Thursday was also the day that the kids started to realize that their teachers wouldn't be around forever. They started getting sad, and so did I! Their hugs were so cute when they said goodbye to Megan. On Friday, after our Fiesta Friday party (cake, ice-cream, pinatas, and Montuca Sound System- a Honduran band, and water games), I got so sad saying goodbye to everyone!! There were a few boys in my class who had been pretty badly behaved in the beginning of camp. They improved drastically, and I loved them by the last week! On Thursday, I played basketball with a few of them, and they thought it was hilarious that 'la miss' was playing with them. On Friday when we said goodbye, they gave me hugeeeeee hugs...making me cry. After they left, I went to give Maria, A particularly sweet student, a hug. I was crying, so she started crying too. How pathetic of me, I know. I had really become attached to some of these kids though!
I had also become attached to Cofradia. At some point that last week, I went into a store to buy a baleada. I was sitting there by myself waiting and felt so comfortable being a gringa in Cofradia...like really comfortable. So needless to say, it was a bit sad leaving Cofradia, the friends I made there, and my students!
But no time to dwell on any sense of sadness, because I was on to the next adventure!
I flew out of San Pedro Sula on Saturday afternoon, stopping in costa rica and panama city, and ultimately making it to buenos aires at about 5:30 on Sunday morning. After going through customs, etc, i took a taxi to jay's apartment. I slept maybe 45 minutes max on the plane, so jay and I both napped for about 2 hours before beginning to see the city! We went to the market in San telmo, ate churipan, went to the cemetery in recoleta which also had a market, and a famous bookstore called el ateneo-it's a theater turned bookstore. We went to a fancy restaurant for dinner and I almost fell asleep in my food because I was so tired...but still enjoyed the food! I slept like 11 hours that night in an attempt to recover.
On Monday, jay and I continued touring and eating our way through buenos aires, seeing el caminito en la boca and cafe tortoni. I also got a small taste of buenos aires nightlife with a group of jays roommates and also Liam Miner from Davidson...he's studying for the semester in b.a. Yay for davidson connections around the world!
On Tuesday, we toured the teatro colon and also did a wine tasting that jay's roommates gifted him for his birthday. I felt very cultured and fancy doing so. As a general note, I feel very fancy in pretty much everything I do since I've left Honduras. Life was so simple there compared to this! It's also cold, which is kinda no fun. It was so hot in Honduras, but I do love the summer.
Right now, it's about midnight on Tuesday night/Monday morning and jay and I are on an overnight bus to cordoba! I will post this when i arrive at the hostel. Let the backpacking/hostel-living begin! Yay for siblings traveling around the world together. Taxi drivers think it's precious.
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